GAITEway was founded to spread our knowledge and experiences as high schoolers learning about artificial intelligence and computer science in the 21st century. Our goal is to be the "gaiteway" and the first step for young girls to be able to pursue a career in computer sciences.

Sama Shah is passionate about AI and how its potential can positively impact the world. Her whole family are computer science enthusiasts, and dominantly female. With this mindset growing up, she never understood gender stereotypes in STEM fields, and is an advocate for Women in STEM. She first got into coding after building her first website when she was 9 years old. She has recent experience teaching young children and seniors about technology, and even worked a summer internship developing curriculum for a variety of coding languages. One of her favorite hackathons she attended was an AI focused one held at Microsoft, where she applied AI to an app prototype that reduces stress in teenagers. She loves analytical thinking and has a creative mind that fits perfectly in the field of AI. She strongly believes AI has a large potential to positively impact our future, and she believes every one should have access to this knowledge because they are the ones who will drive the future of innovation.

Mira Bali is a current Bay Area high school senior. As a girl who is incredibly passionate about STEM, and planning on going into computer science herself, Mira tries to bridge the gender gap in STEM through many organizations and school clubs, which encourage girls to go into the STEM fields. She is the president of the Women in STEM club at her school, and the vice president of GirlDevelopIt, another school club that teaches girls how to code. Additionally, Mira has presented personal programming projects at hackathons and has mentored college students in computer science. Alongside STEM and seeing more women in STEM, other causes she is passionate about include education and raising awareness about mental health. Mira also enjoys public speaking and is the captain of the Extemporaneous speaking team at her school. She loves to dance, write, teach, and read books in her free time.